Account Transfer Initiation Form for Merrill Edge
This form is used to request a full transfer of assets into a self-directed account from an account at another financial institution.
Add Account Holder for Merrill Edge Advisory Center
This form is the letter of authorization for a request to add another account holder to an existing Merrill Edge account.
Address Change Form for Merrill Edge
Use this form to confirm an address change update to your Merrill Edge account.
Automatic Investment Plan
Automatic Investment Plans (also known as periodic investment plans) allow you to invest regularly in mutual funds you own.
Business Account - WCMA - Application and Agreement - MEAC
Use this application to open an investment account (WCMA) for businesses that lets you trade and research mutual funds, stocks, fixed income and other securities. This application can be used to establish a Corporation, LLC, Partnership or Sole Propietorship business account.
Cost Basis Update for Multiple Securities
This form allows you to update the cost basis for holdings in your portfolio.
Custodian Resignation Letter of Authorization
Complete this form when a custodian resigns and appoints a successor custodian to an account.
Durable Power of Attorney - Merrill Edge
To add a Power of Attorney to your account(s), visit this page to view the right document for your state of residence.
Funds Transfer Service Enrollment - Merrill Edge
This form is used to enroll in the Funds Transfer Service (FTS) enabling you to move funds between a primary Merrill Lynch account and other Merrill Lynch accounts, or eligible external accounts. Retirement and NextGen 529 accounts are ineligible account types for the Merrill Edge Funds Transfer Service.
Manage Your Mailing Address
Change the address assigned to a specific account.
Name Mismatch Authorization Letter
This form is for accounts that are being transferred where the name of an owner does not match the Merrill Lynch account.
NextGen College Investing Plan Client Select Series Investment Change Form
Complete this form if you would like to update how your future contributions are allocated or exchange your existing NextGen Account assets with assets in the Client Select Series.
NextGen College Plan Client Select Series Investment Change Form - edge-meac
Complete this form if you would like to update how your future contributions are allocated or exchange your existing NextGen Account assets with assets in the Client Select Series.
NextGen Direct Series Change of Designated Beneficiary
Complete this form if you are changing the Designated Beneficiary on an existing NextGen College Investing Plan Account to a "Member of the Family" of the current Designated Beneficiary.
NextGen Direct Series Investment Change
Complete this form if you would like to update how your future contributions are allocated or exchange your existing NextGen Account assets with assets in the Client Direct Series.
NextGen 529 Direct Series Investment Guide and Performance
There are several investment options available in the Direct Series. The Age-Based portfolios provide an investment strategy that varies based on the age of the child and when the child is expected to need the assets for higher education expenses. The Diversified portfolios will have a specific investment strategy. Unlike the Age-Based Diversified portfolios, each Diversified portfolio is invested in a combination of underlying funds that is consistent with the established sector allocation of each Portfolio. These Portfolios allow you to build a strategy best suited to your investment needs. The Single Fund portfolios invest in one underlying fund and the Stable Principal portfolios seek to retain your principal.
Online Account Access Authorization Form
Use this form to complete your request to provide third party online viewing access to your account.
Forms related to the Options program.
Options - Individual - Joint - Trust Option Account Application and Agreement
This form contains the Retail Option Account application and agreement for Merrill Edge Self-Directed Individual, Joint and Trust Accounts. The online option application can be used to apply for individual and joint accounts. Trust account applications should be printed and mailed in for processing.
RCMA or RCMA II Plan Trustee Change Form
Use this form to make updates to the Plan Trustees on your RCMA or RCMA II account. RCMA and RCMA II accounts require a Plan Trustee. All current Plan Trustees must sign this form.
Read Only and Trading and Ownership Letter of Authorization
The Letter of Authorization will grant Read Only and Trading or Ownership status for online capabilities to self-directed account holders.
Required Minimum Distribution Enrollment and Authorization for Merrill Edge
Merrill Lynch required minimum distribution service enrollment and authorization form.
Retirement Automated Funding Service - Merrill Edge
This form contains the program description and enrollment authorization form for the Merrill Lynch Automated Funding Service.
Retirement Beneficiary Designation - Edge
Use this form to assign or update beneficiary designations for Traditional, Rollover and Roth IRA accounts held with us. You can also use this form to change beneficiary designations for Merrill Lynch Education Savings AccountSM Education IRA, BASIC (Keogh Plus), SEP, SRA (Simple IRA), Retirement Selector - 403(b)(7) and Medical Savings Account (MSA) accounts.
Standing Letter of Authorization and Instruction Enrollment Agreement Form EDGE
This combined form gives you the ability to authorize recurring transfer of assets between accounts, issuing of checks or transfer of securities. It will also allow you to establish instructions to execute a Federal Fund wire transfer on an as-needed or regular basis.
Texas Desigation form - Merrill Lynch Abandoned Property
Clients with a mailing address in the state of Texas can appoint a designee who can respond to unclaimed property notifications on the client's behalf, should the account ever become abandoned.
Transfer on Death Agreement - EDGE
This form contains the agreement and disclosure for a Transfer on Death designation.
Transfer on Death Letter of Authorization
The Transfer on Death Letter of Authorization enables distribution of a decedent's account holdings upon death.
Trusted Contact Person Form - Merrill Edge
This form is used to allow account owner(s) the ability to add a Trusted Contact Person whom Merrill Edge may contact with questions or concerns about the whereabouts or health status of the account owner(s).
Trustee Certification Application
Complete this form to certify the trustees of a particular account, and the entitlements granted to each trustee of the account.